Outlaw Rider entering town from left Jesse James Theme Park Heading Outlaw Rider entering town from right

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Saturday July 9, 2005
Dust off your boots, pull on your hat and get ready to step back in time.
Join us as the Wild West comes to life in southern Minnesota with the unveiling of
Arnie Lillo’s Jesse James Theme Park just minutes from Mankato
on Saturday, July 9th, 2005 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

The Jesse James Theme Park is the first ever of its kind in the nation. It is hand crafted with life size individual metal cut outs of the 1876 real life horses and characters, and tells the story of what happened to the Jesse James gang while they were in this area of Minnesota. From riding into Northfield, to robbing the bank, to leaving town, to the capture of the remaining gang members near Madelia, the full story is told precisely as Minnesota history knows it to be. But uniquely illustrated in metal artwork.

Our famous Rex Macbeth (President of the National Lawmen Outlaw Association will be on hand to tell the story of the outlaws and the events as they happened from the time the gang rode into Northfield until they were captured in the woods near the Watonwan river, as he has been doing in Madelia for the reenactment every year.

Don’t miss this one of a kind historical event. John Koblas, President of the Jesse James Club, will be on site for a book signing. John is author of numerous books on Jesse James, such as The Jesse James Northfield Raid, Faithful Unto Death and Jesse James Ate Here. John J Koblas Web Page

• Ruth Yates will be on sight for a book signing for her book Before Their Identity.

• Entertainment by Lonesome Ron Visit the Lonesome Ron Web Page

       • Lunch stand and refreshments on the grounds all day.

Enjoy the picturesque Minnesota countryside and scenes of Northfield and Madelia from 1876.

Miniature sets that include the 35 Theme Park Metal Figurines will be available for sale.

Directions to

The Jesse James
Theme Park
Picture 1 of Jesse James Theme Park - Grand Opening Location

Arnie Lillo Farm
56632 177th Lane
Good Thunder,
Minnesota 56037
Picture 2 of Jesse James Theme Park - Grand Opening
From Mankato         

• Take Highway 22 South
     to right on Co Rd 90 West.
• Go 3 miles to left
     on Co Rd 16 South.
• Go 3 miles to right
     on 177th Street West
     (the first gravel road
     past Co Rd 35).
• ½ mile on your right.

Picture 3 of  Jesse James Theme Park - Grand Opening

Media is welcome; please contact Arnie Lillo at alillo@hickorytech.net or 507.278.3671.

Tent holders
The frame for the tent is in place.
Jesse James Theme Park Main Tent
The Grand Opening Has Begun.

Real Rex with Metal Rex Renowned outlaw scholar Rex MacBeth poses with the metal sculpture of himself. For years Rex has narrated the re-enactment of the Younger Brothers' capture outside of Madelia, Minnesota.

The metal sculpture of Rex narrating the events takes its place among the others at the Jesse James Theme Park.

See Younger Brothers Capture Story

Among all the outlaw sculptures at the Jesse James Theme Park are townspeople of both Northfield, Minnesota where the James/Younger bank raid took place and Madelia, Minnesota where the Younger Brothers were taken after their capture.

Re-enactors pose with their sculptured counterparts.
Real Ladies with Metal Ladies

Outlaw Links:
Younger Brothers Capture - Madelia, Minnesota
Defeat of Jesse James Days - Northfield, Minnesota
Jesse James/Cole Younger Organization
John J Koblas Outlaw Books
Lonesome Ron Outlaw Music
True West Magazine - Learn All About the Old West

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Last Modified: 09/09/2009 14:54:23